Use "increase|increases" in a sentence

1. Increases, Counteractive control efforts would also increase

2. 7 These costs increase with increases in quantity ordered.

3. The dynamic elastic modulus decreases with increase of dynamic strain and increases with increase o.

4. However, the objective function increases if we increase any variable.

5. As chymopapain inhibitor activity increases, crystals increase in number and volume.

6. Sex usually increases genetic variation and may increase the rate of evolution.

7. The hydrolysis rate constant increases at a exponential function with temperature increase.

8. The structural buffer increases resilience through an increase in loss-absorption capacity.

9. 9 Malthus'theory that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence.

10. Canard wing increases lift coefficient with the penalty of the increase of drag coefficient.

11. 12 Malthus believed that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence.

12. Attempts to increase revenues through "across the board" tariff increases usually met with failure.

13. However, he said small temperature increases could increase crops in most industrialize ( industrialized ) nations.

14. If a user increases font size, the size of an sp will also increase.

15. As the altitude increases, the main form of precipitation becomes snow and the winds increase.

16. Patients with fever/external heat Significant increases in body temperature can potentially increase fentanyl absorption rate

17. And I found that if you increase the time cooked, the amount of carcinogens rapidly increases.

18. Numbers of species decrease markedly when human management increases, despite a strong increase of raptor abundance.

19. 12 Moreover, K_(4D) increase along with the increases of temperature and molecular pressure (endothermic reaction).

20. 4 It is well known in kinetic theory that reaction rates Increase rapidly with increases in temperature.

21. With the increase ofm, Falkner-Skan parameter, the magnitude of skin friction and wall heat transfer increases.

22. 1 It is well known in kinetic theory that reaction rates Increase rapidly with increases in temperature.

23. 12 After eating, although intraluminal pressure does not increase appreciably, the number of high amplitude propagating contractions increases.

24. This request includes significant increases across the board, including $312M for climate adaptation – a nearly nine-fold increase.

25. What increases my risk for Aspiration? Any condition that causes trouble swallowing may increase your risk for Aspiration.

26. The following responses to decreasing maritime influence were noted: all aspects of species diversity increase; growth-form complexity increases; habitat heterogeneity increases; species habitat Breadths decrease; and habitat overlaps decrease.

27. Not only does it increase building fabric losses, but it also increases losses through fume cupboards and open windows.

28. Agglomeration economies are central to the argument that an increase of city size increases the productivity of goods and services

29. Agglomeration economies are central to the argument that an increase of city size increases the productivity of goods and services.

30. The density and viscosity of a Compressible fluid increase as pressure increases but tend to level off at high pressures

31. In some instances, increases in the channel cross sectional area and associated lower velocities can increase sediment deposition and channel aggradations.

32. Taking Breaks to Increase Productivity Productivity increases as we spend more time and energy, but only up to a critical point.

33. The Anamnestic response in primed children included increases in neutralizing antibodies (mean geometric increase: 5.0-10.6) and antineuraminidase antibodies (4.9-8.8)

34. 28 With a 60 percent increase in consumer prices reported, there were therefore substantial increases in real wages for many workers.

35. Behavioural support for smoking cessation can increase quit rates at six months or longer, with no evidence that support increases harms

36. The total cost curve increases at a decreasing rate over some range and then begins to increase at an increasing rate.

37. Canola oil is a refined oil that’s often partially hydrogenated to increase its stability, but this increases its negative health effects

38. Allosteric Activation: Under this process activator binds with protein which increases the function of active sites leads to increase in enzymatic activity

39. When pulsation amplitude increases, air voidage increases a bit, but bed pressure drop increases.

40. A Counterweight increases his dps by 82.3 x .03 = 2.469 Meanwhile a +7 enchant should increase my dps by +7 / 3.3 = 2.12

41. Arrived after adolescence, as a result of ovarian development, estrogen begins increase, counteractive ability of the vagina increases, hymen fulfilled its mission.

42. Body weight , however , increases with age because stored fat and body water increase after decreasing steadily throughout foetal and post - natal development .

43. Bushfires And Coronavirus: Disasters Increase Domestic Violence : Shots - Health News Family violence increases in places that have been severely burned in Bushfires…

44. So if a 30 percent increase in duties were actually passed along, we would be looking at some pretty important increases in prices.

45. Insurance Increases

46. When the flange width is large, the ultimate capacity of the members increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of positive and negative eccentricity.

47. Daily 100 milligram, 2 week hind can make gawkish patient appetite increases, stand up neatly, clad, wait on foot, increase affection activity and interest capacity.

48. Acting alone, warm-air Advection causes local temperatures to increase with time, and is the primary cause of temperature increases associated with warm frontal passages

49. Compared to low-carbon zinc-coated steel sheet, nugget diameter increases discontinuously with the increase of welding current when welding micro-alloyed high strength steel sheet.

50. Scientific findings show that melatonin decreases the time it takes to fall asleep ( "sleep latency " ) , increases feelings of " sleepiness , " and may increase the duration of sleep .

51. It is unequivocal that Anthropogenic increases in the well-mixed greenhouse gases (WMGHGs) have substantially enhanced the greenhouse effect, and the resulting forcing continues to increase

52. Louder noises caused greater increases in blood pressure; for every 5 decibel increase in aircraft noise, systolic blood pressure went up by an average of 0.66 mmHg.

53. With the gas flow flux increase, the time interval of bubble formation decreases, the bubble coalescence site moves forward, the detaching time decreases first and then increases.

54. Prostitution increases child prostitution.

55. Fury over tax increases .

56. The Accreting principal swap allows the company to either reduce or increase its exposure to changes in underlying interest rates as it increases the amount it is borrowing

57. Runners adjust stride length to gather speed: stride length increases as speed increases.

58. All the price increases were absolutely necessary because of increases in production costs.

59. The price increases are proportionate to the increases in the costs of production.

60. While the number of children of artificial insemination increases, the dispute also increases.

61. Risk increases with age.

62. The Agricultural Revolution was the unprecedented increase in Agricultural production in Britain due to increases in labor and land productivity between the mid-17th and late 19th centuries

63. The pulse rate increases.

64. Avarice increases with wealth.

65. Disability increases with age .

66. Increases in state spending.

67. While total dry matter no longer increases after October, the crude protein fraction increases continuously.

68. Similarly, frequency of use of the index also increases as concern about air quality increases.

69. The Absorbance of a solution increases as the attenuation of the optical beam increases.

70. Although the assumption is that it increases efficiency, Batching increases total cycle time and increases the waste of waiting both internally and for the customer.

71. Accordingly, the present invention increases satisfaction of user, and increases ability of competition of corporation.

72. Ameliorations: as in increases, upturns

73. Vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption.

74. Alcohol increases the drug's potency.

75. The efflux rate increases greatly.

76. It is not difficult to see that for every increase in the number of pairs in our pack , the number of different ways increases by a power of two .

77. Bipolarity increases motivation for expansion

78. Friction increases with increasing pretension.

79. Correlation is Positive when the values increase together, and ; Correlation is Negative when one value decreases as the other increases; A Correlation is assumed to be linear (following a line).

80. Normal growth during this period resulted in a two- to three-fold increase in muscle weights, mean muscle fiber cross-sectional areas and increases in absolute twitch and tetanic tensions.